Behavioural therapy

Behavioural services

At Gartlove we believe the foundation to a happy dog and owner relationship is obedience. As an owner, your own confidence and happiness are transferred directly to your dog. With a disobedient dog, it’s impossible to relax and enjoys walks on or off the lead. Even around the house, a disobedient dog can lead to stress throughout the family. 

A firm belief at Gartlove is that exercise is essential to any dog, and in relation to obedience, it plays a vital role. 

We are happy to advise customers or offer 1-1 training depending on the individual needs.

Dachshund, badger dog, sausage dog, wiener dog lying in front of white background

Exercise's influence on obedience

Exercise on obedience can become a bit of a chicken or egg scenario. You can’t train a hyper dog that’s not receiving enough exercise but how do you exercise a hyper disobedient dog properly with no recall, that won’t walk on a lead? Gartlove’s secure Free-Run is a starting point. A secure private area where you can exercise your dog without the worry of other dogs, people or children. Try this first, ball games, Free-Run and just generally allowing your dog to blow off some steam. Then recall drills, walking to heel, on/off lead circuits. You’ll be amazed at how your peace of mind and relaxed state being in a secure environment has such an influence over how your dog responds to you. 

We've experienced this

Gartlove’s own Sadie is a perfect example of this. She is an absolute star pupil, a joy to walk on or off the lead. As a rescue, this shows that any dog at any age can be trained. If help is required Jamie and Sadie are more than happy to offer a 1:1 training service.  A firm belief at Gartlove is that exercise is essential to any dog full stop, and with obedience, it plays a vital role. We are happy to advise customers or offer 1:1 training depending on the individual needs.
american staffordshire terrier

All dogs visiting Gartlove must be fully vaccinated.

To ensure the safety of all our doggy guests, we have to insist on proof of vaccination on arrival.